
Lixo Verde® offers innovative and eco-efficient solutions for waste management and recovery. Discover our operations in the market.

1. Disposal and treatment of municipal waste

Lixo Verde® plants provide the correct destination and treatment of urban waste. We offer innovative solutions for waste management and recovery, transforming waste into Green energy.

2. Complete Landfill Solution

The Lixo Verde® process is an eco-efficient solution for alleviating landfills. The partnership offers the possibility of reducing the amount of waste already deposited on the site, extending the useful life of landfills and increasing the efficiency of electrical energy generation.

3. Closure of landfills

The XÔ LIXÃO project is a pioneer in Brazil, created by Lixo Verde® to close landfills in municipalities with their own waste management. The project aims to recover degraded areas, removing all open waste, regenerating contaminated soil and reforesting the entire area. The waste removed from the landfill is fully used to generate renewable electrical energy.

4. Carbon Credit

The recovery of landfills and waste treatment with Lixo Verde® technology generate premium carbon credits, made available to the market. Lixo Verde® projects are considered carbon negative, as they recover more carbon from the environment than they are generated. Our projects are perfect for companies looking for solutions that offset their carbon emissions.

5. Methane Reduction

Lixo Verde® solutions, such as the closure of landfills and the strategic partnership with Landfills, significantly reduce the emission of methane into the atmosphere. Our actions contribute to the mitigation of climate change, sustainability and preservation of the environment.